In the first meeting with an attorney, you should use it to review your case’s facts and figures. The attorney should ask questions to assist you in understanding all facts and legal issues concerning your topic. You may also be wondering what questions to ask a lawyer. If so, read on to get acquainted with the points to clarify from your attorney.
If the lawyer is familiar with your area of need, they should be able to know the strengths to focus on in your claim. The attorney should also identify the glaring weaknesses that may weaken your defense. He should be insightful to foresee your case’s common problems and find ways of going around them. The attorney should make the client aware of the hurdles and weaknesses they’re likely to face in pursuit of justice or fair treatment of a case in question.
What is the likely outcome of the case?
A seasoned attorney can predict the likely outcome of a case because many changing circumstances can affect the final results. The lawyer should be able to make a comparative judgment with other previous issues they have attended. However, a competent lawyer does not promise the client a particular outcome, especially if the problem involves personal injury. This is also true for a criminal defense case.
It is imperative to leave the attorney’s office having a general idea of all the expenses and legal fees you’re paying. The attorney’s fee refers to their hours multiplied by their hourly rate or a specified percentage of the compensation.
On the other hand, expenses refer to the lawyer’s hard costs in the case process and are billed for payment by the client. Such expenses include record fees, court filing fees, expert witness fees, or deposition fees.
As a client, you should know that settling fees and other expenses are your financial responsibility. Always request your attorney to serve you with a copy of the attorney’s standard fee payment.
It is common for lawyers to use a paralegal who carries out routine follow-ups and tasks. However, do not assume that the same will follow for your case. If the lawyer consults closely with a third party, request to meet that person.
At times, the attorney may engage associates in your case. Associates are less seasoned attorneys working under the direct supervision of the head attorney. The associates’ work is directed and supervised by the attorney. You can request to meet such crucial persons too.