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Maritime Safety Hazards

Maritime Safety Hazards


The maritime industry provides numerous employment opportunities for many people. Vessel crew members comprise people with different skills and play various roles, including storekeeping, preparing meals, technicians, medical personnel, and engineers. Working onboard water vessels has its fair share of risks that can cause severe injuries and even fatalities.


Causes of Maritime Accidents

Maritime occurrences refer to any accidents that take place onboard marine vessels and off-shore on marine terminals. These accidents occur as a result of various factors, including;

  • Fatigue

Crew members and workers on board sea vessels work for long hours. Most of the work is labor-intensive, involving lifting and moving things around. An exhausted worker has impaired awareness and is at a higher risk of injuries to self and third parties.

  • Inadequate Training

Without proper training, workers may lack a clear understanding of machine operation and be unaware of any risks associated with their work. This lack of awareness is a time bomb for crew members operating without basic training.

  • Substance Abuse

Alcohol and drug-related intoxication are a leading cause of maritime accidents. Drunk crew members lack precision in their operations and may have a dampened awareness level, exposing themselves and other players on board a vessel to danger.

  • Faulty Equipment

Faulty tools and machines expose seamen to serious bodily harm and even death. For instance, defective cranes can snap mid-air and drop heavy loads on crew members.

  • Careless Operation

Sometimes, accidents at sea result from the negligence of people on board sea vessels. For instance, working on elevated parts ship without the required PPE can lead to fatal injuries in case of a fall.

Common Sea Accidents

There is no shortage of accidents on board sea vessels, and some of the prevalent maritime accidents include:

  • Slips and Falls

Slips and falls are frequent due to various factors, including greasy surfaces, excess moisture, and general carelessness.

  • Lifting Accidents

Lifting accidents can occur due to wrong lifting procedures or faulty lifting equipment.

  • Injury from Falling Objects

Falling objects pose a considerable risk to crew members and workers on maritime vessels.

  • Burns and Explosions

Faulty apparatus like onboard generators can explode, resulting in explosions and fire that cause serious burns and account for many maritime fatalities.

Aspects of Maritime Law

The law has various provisions, separate from normal on-land accidents, addressing maritime accidents, protecting sea workers from hazardous work conditions, and addressing compensation matters. Some of these provisions include:

Maintenance and Cure

Maintenance and Cure refer to the benefits that injured seamen are entitled to receive, regardless of the accident’s cause. Care caters to basic household expenses like rent, while Cure caters to the medical costs incurred.

The Jones Act Negligence 

This law empowers seamen to sue employers for injuries caused by unsafe areas or conditions on a sea vessel. In Houston, you can seek a Houston maritime lawyer’s services to follow up and prove negligence.

The Longshore Act

The Longshore Act is legislation enacted to protect sea workers’ rights and ensure they receive compensation for injuries or disabilities in their line of duty on the USA’S navigable waters.

Elizabeth Coleman

I am a lawyer by profession and a blogger by passion. I started blogging to express my views on various issues.The blog has now become one of my passions. After seeing so many of my friends and colleagues using blogs for their business purposes, I decided to share my views through my blog.I love reading other people's blogs. I am trying to write one every day, and sometimes when I have time I write two or three posts per day.
